We're sorry, but this year's Hunt has been postponed.
You can find more details in our News section.
The Global Spirit Hunt is a 48-hour celebration of Spirit of the Game held on International Spirit of the Game day, Dec. 3, 2022.
It's free. It's big. There are prizes.
You can sign up now, as a team or as an individual.
If you haven't played before, you might want to read the rules.
Learn more about the history of the Global Spirit Hunt

Each player on the winning team will receive a Spirit Disc.
For every 5 teams that sign up, a Spirit Disc will be awarded to a team selected at random.
Additional prizes will be announced closer to the day of the Global Spirit Hunt.
If you are interested in donating a prize, or sponsoring a prize, please get in touch.
Additional contact information
Headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada