About the Global Spirit Hunt
The Global Spirit Hunt is a 48-hour celebration of Spirit of the Game.
You can join up as a team, or as an individual player.
The cost is free -- the game is virtual -- the prizes are donated -- the joy is REAL.
The hunt is fun for people of any age or experience.
It's particularly useful for coaches of new youth teams looking for a way to discuss and teach about Spirit of the Game.
It's also a lot of fun for people who have been playing a long, long, long time -- some of the challenges are a wonderful reminder of the early days of the sport.
As teams sign up, you'll be able to see who has joined.
International Spirit of the Game day is every year on the first Saturday in December.
For many years, this day was celebrated with local events, clinics, activities and tournaments.
Then in 2019, the Covid pandemic changed everything. People had to quarantine, team sports were unsafe.
But the basic joy of iSOTGDay needed to be preserved. A creative solution was needed.
And so a virtual SOTG-themed scavenger hunt was created by the World Flying Disc Federation, to give communities around the world a way to connect, laugh, do throwing drills and sprints, wear old jerseys, and remember why people play games with SOTG in the first place: to challenge themselves and to connect with others.
Plus it always feels good to win, even if it's in a Zoom meeting :)
This year, WFDF decided not to run the hunt for iSOTGDay,
so a team of previous Hunt Advisors decided to make it happen independently.
This year should be the biggest year ever for the GSH...
don't miss out!